The Government

We are Back! We took a hiatus from this blog due to some big brothers, i.e, the government, having an itch to scratch with our farm. Thanks to a new law put into action earlier this year we can now have apprentices come to the farm and learn all about the wonderful ways of farming without having to spend fifty thousand dollars to go to university. And besides they will get a better curriculum that has loads of hands on learning, eat way better food than in the cafeteria and not have to deal with their dorm mates. We will be growing the new generation of farmers right here on the island and it wont be conventional agribusiness. Nope none of that at all, in fact we will be teaching how to run a business that is small, sustainable, profitable, good for the community, good for the body, bring down the agribusiness giants kind of farming. If your Monsanto, ConAgri, or ADM and your reading this you should be very concerned. The era of behemoth, blue chip monopolies is over. Its time for the synergy of mind, body and spirit to control the food once again.

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